Rhine Harp: a harpsichord wire is strung and tuned on a slightly bowed wooden stick. The flowing water causes the string to vibrate. This is recorded and made audible through a contact microphone placed on the stick.

Fountain in the cloister garden with the peal of cloister bells.

Morning fog condenses on leaves of trees on the banks of the Rhine and drips into the river.

Goat Bells: the lazy grazing of goats with collar bells.

Autumn crickets.

Light Autumn Wind: rustling of dry leaves with isolated bird calls.

Waves from the Rhine break melodically onto boats moored at the bank.

Various autumn atmospheres at the Rhine and around the Rheinau cloister.

Stones: the sound of found stones, made audible through rubbing and striking.

Wind: soft rustling in dry autumn leaves of various trees and brushes.